“Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement. You've heard the call to action at the end of nearly every podcast you've ever listened to: "Listen to us on your favorite podcast app", or in the ph...
A Personal Digital Reset About once a year, I do a little digital reset to help make my online life a little more pleasant. I’m not advocating that anybody do the same as me, but I h...
“Link In Bio” is a slow knife We don’t even notice it anymore — “link in bio”. It’s a pithy phrase, usually found on Instagram, which directs an audience to be aware that a pertinent web li...
Every Single Video Prince Ever Made Prince was an astoundingly prolific artist, releasing nearly 40 albums under his own name(s), and thousands of songs for himself and others. His concerts were...
12 Things Everyone Should Understand About Tech Tech is more important than ever, deeply affecting culture, politics and society. Given all the time we spend with our gadgets and apps, it’s essential to unde...
Tech and the Fake Market tactic In one generation, the Internet went from opening up new free markets to creating a series of Fake Markets that exploit society, without most media or politici...
It's time to discover Prince With the recent availability of nearly all of Prince’s catalog on the most popular streaming services, it’s a great time to (re?)discover the breadth of Prince...
On Being and Tech's Moral Reckoning Back in November, I got to sit down with the amazing Krista Tippett for a lengthy interview in front of an incredibly warm crowd in Easton, MD. Now, that int...
Forget "Why?", it's time to get to work. There are going to be endless think-pieces and armchair analyses about why America elected Donald Trump as its next President. But you already know why. Don’...
Beyond Doing Half the Parenting Doing my fair share for my son means I have to start carrying my weight in other areas at home. Growing up as an Indian-American son, in a family-oriented cu...
Nobody Famous What it’s like to have the social network of a celebrity, without actually being famous I’ve got more Twitter followers than you. I’ve got more Twitter follo...
15 Lessons from 15 Years of Blogging This summer marked 15 years since I first started blogging here, and I’m happier than ever that I’ve chosen to live so much of my life in this place, with all...
I Know Times Are Changing 0:00 — 0:10 In the summer of 1983, Wendy Melvoin was just 19 years old. She’d flown halfway across the country from Los Angeles for her first professional gi...
What I Learned From Twitter's Leaders [This piece was originally written for CNN on the occasion of Twitter’s IPO.] The Internet is buzzing with news of Twitter’s initial public offering on Thu...
Bringing Water to A Town Like Ours I’ve had the good fortune to get to speak in public hundreds of times, about any manner of subjects. But I’ve never, never had the moments following one of my...
A Brief History of Apple's iWatch [For context: This piece was written two years before the Apple Watch was released, when rumors began to ramp up.] A brief timeline of Apple iWatch’s entranc...
Shushers: Wrong about movies. Wrong about the world. There’s been a delightful debate the last few days about how to accommodate the increasing number of people who want the experience of watching movies in publi...
10 Rules of Internet In my years working in technology, I have learned a few things. These lessons have become oft-repeated refrains when speaking to people, so I thought I’d colle...
How We Lost the Web When I wrote about the web we lost a few months ago, I thought the idea that we’d strayed from some of the philosophical and cultural underpinnings of the so...
Ten Tips Guaranteed to Improve Your Startup Success Having had the good fortune to work with a broad range of entrepreneurs and get a front-row seat to the foundations of their success, I thought it’d be good to...
What It's Like Being Verified on Twitter Update: After this post was published, I had a chance to talk about Twitter verification at a live show of the Untitled Kondabolu Brothers Project, with Hari...
All Dashboards Should be Feeds Last week, we announced the new beta release of ThinkUp (if you’re a geek or developer, try it out!) and one of the reasons I was most excited to talk about...
The Web We Lost Update: A few months after this piece was published, I was invited by Harvard’s Berkman Center to speak about this topic in more detail. Though the final tal...
JOMO! My brilliant friend Caterina Fake wrote about the Fear of Missing Out last year, and the FOMO meme took instant hold amongst those of us who love the digital...
How To Fix Popchips' Racist Ad Campaign Update: I just got off the phone with Popchips founder Keith Belling, who was sincere and contrite as he offered a thoughtful, apologetic response that indic...
Why you can't trust tech press to teach you about the tech industry If there were one lesson I’d want to impress upon people who are interested in succeeding in the technology industry, it would be, as I’ve said before, know y...
Facebook is gaslighting the web. We can fix it. Facebook has moved from merely being a walled garden into openly attacking its users’ ability and willingness to navigate the rest of the web. The evidence tha...
If your website's full of assholes, it's your fault We’re twenty years in to this world wide web thing. Today, I myself celebrate twelve years of writing this blog. And yet those of us who love this medium, who’...
Malcolm Browne Dash Please meet Malcolm Browne Dash. He’s my son, born February 9th weighing in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces. The days (and yes, the nights ) over this last week...
The Facebook Reckoning There’s a lengthy, excellent profile of Mark Zuckerberg , and by proxy Facebook, in this week’s issue of the New Yorker, written by Jose Antonio Vargas. In it...
Forking is a Feature While Linus Torvalds is best known as the creator of Linux, it’s one of his more geeky creations, and the social implications of its design, that may well end...
One More Time: No NDAs By unusual coincidence, this week I had a number of different folks ask me to sign NDAs about the new projects they’re working on. It’s great that we’re in suc...
Free Publicity: Who do we help? I’m not a Democrat; I don’t much care about the scorekeeping of who has more seats in any given chamber of Congress. But I do think there are things that need...
Nobody Has A Million Twitter Followers Last week, I wrote a bit about what it’s like to be on Twitter’s suggested user list . The response to that post has been really gratifying, and I wanted to s...
Life on the List In the time it takes you to read this sentence, I’ll have gained another follower or two on Twitter . Within an hour, I’ll have added more followers than 99%...
The Twitter API is Finished. Now What? Update: We’ve got some results already! Joseph Scott at Automattic mentions in the comments that he’s added RSD support for the Twitter API to WordPress.co...
The Most Interesting New Tech Startup of 2009 I love seeing people start new companies, especially in the tech world. But I’ve probably gotten a little bit jaded about new startups, especially when the sto...
What Works: The Web Way vs. The Wave Way Google Wave is an impressive set of technologies, the kind of stunningly slick application that literally makes developers stand up and cheer . I’ve played wi...
Apple: Secrecy Does Not Scale Apple is justifiably revered in the worlds of technology and culture for creating one of the most powerful brands in the world based on the combination of some...
The Pushbutton Web: Realtime Becomes Real Pushbutton is a name for what I believe will be an upgrade for the web, where any site or application can deliver realtime messages to a web-scale audience,...
Google's Microsoft Moment I’m not sure Google’s new Chrome OS announcement is that big a deal, or that the eventual product that gets released will actually have that much impact, but...
Free Criticism, Science After Data, and Airport Books When I saw Malcolm Gladwell doggedly dissecting Chris Anderson’s upcoming “ Free: The Future of a Radical Price ” (see Chris’ response here ) my first rea...
Just let me fill your heart with joy and laughter... This was probably the one clip of Michael Jackson I wish everybody had seen....
The End of Fail FAIL is over. Fail is dead. Because it marks a lack of human empathy, and signifies an absence of intellectual curiosity, it is an unacceptable response to c...
Exclusive: The Future of Facebook Usernames The whole world A small number of super-geeky obsessives is abuzz over the upcoming launch of Facebook Usernames , an exciting new feature that will let you...
You Didn't Miss Anything I was away traveling for the past few weeks, and upon my return, I asked my Twitter followers a simple question : "I’ve been completely offline for a...
In Defense of Marriage Three years and one day ago, I got married. And then shortly after that, I wrote a post about getting married , which has become one of the most popular thing...
What Sarah Palin Is Saying Sarah Palin has been unsurprising in her criticisms of Barack Obama’s credentials and policies, fulfilling the traditional role of the vice presidential candid...
Bill Gates and the Greatest Tech Hack Ever Bill Gates has pulled off one of the greatest hacks in technology and business history, by turning Microsoft’s success into a force for social responsibility....
Your April Fool's Day Joke Continues to Suck Having been blogging for a few years, I’ve developed a few annual traditions. This one’s a favorite: Warning you off of lame April Fool’s jokes on the web. Eve...
When Auto-Tune Strikes Beginning with our exploration of Snoop Dogg’s “Sensual Seduction”, we wandered into the history of vocoders, talkboxes, and the most nefarious of voice manipu...
The Death of Analog, AutoTune Edition One of the things that makes Snoop’s “Sensual Seduction” video so compelling is his outstanding use of vocal effects. Let’s take a closer look, shall we? I...
Google and Theory of Mind Theory of mind is that thing that a two-year-old lacks, which makes her think that covering her eyes means you can’t see her. It’s the thing a chimpanzee has,...
Smug Ugly Although I’ve been accused sometimes of reflexive contrariness , the truth is I’m just pretty consistent in my assessments of technology, with little regard f...
Blackbird, Rainman, Facebook and the Watery Web I’ve seen a number of people make reference to Facebook’s application platform without knowing a lot of background about some historical examples that might be...
Pixels Are The New Pies An interesting infographic trend: Square blocks of color are now being used to represent percentage-based statistics instead of the traditional pie chart. Some...
How To Visit New York: The Basics I get asked by a lot of people for tips on what to do when visiting New York City, and though I’m hardly an expert on NYC tourism, I thought I’d take the time...
Cats Can Has Grammar If you spend any time at all observing net culture, then you’ll have been unable to miss the recent explosion in popularity of lolcats . This relatively recen...
Google Web History - Good and Scary Many years ago, when the web was a simpler place, one of the scariest monsters conjured up to describe the privacy threats that lurked on the Internet was the...
The Old Boys Club is for Losers A few months ago, I spent a lot of time trying to show the tech community I belong to that diversity is essential to our survival . Not just to the Web 2.0 wo...
The Essentials of Web 2.0 Your Event Doesn't Cover Do you want to learn about the future of web applications? If so, when choosing an event, you might want to make sure it’s one that cares about including speak...
Consider Twitter The sign of success in social software is when your community does something you didn’t expect. It’s easy to be cynical about new sites, especially when...
Yahoo Pipes Background: Yahoo’s launched an interesting and innovative new service, Pipes, which lets users with a relatively low degree of technological expertise c...
A Pre-Superbowl Prince Primer Most everybody who knows me well knows that I’ve been a fan of Prince for pretty much my entire life. So when casual fans or non-fans hear that Prince is playi...
Goodbye, Godfather To those of us who grew up after his artistic heyday, James Brown is some combination of legend, influence, icon, and inevitably, caricature. So on the day we...
New New York Remember a few years ago I mentioned that I was moving to San Francisco ? Well, it’s time for an update: I’m moving back to New York City! There’s a cou...
How Matt Haughey Beat Google Summary: In 2002, Google launched one of their few pay services, Google Answers . The service attracted only 800 responders in the past 4 years, and was sh...
Google Office: Google Apps for Your Domain The first version of Google Apps for Your Domain has been released, offering hosted applications that provide free, ad-supported services including email, c...
The Windows Apps You Never Need To Install One of the interesting things about being a serious Windows user is that very little attention is paid to efficient users of Windows, and that we suffer from a...
Antipedia Wikipedia ‘s an amazing achievement, the kind of thing a lot of us use as a case study of what can go right on the web. But it’s an effort that involves a lar...
Payment, Please! Some tenets: Contributing to a community, online or offline has value. As long as that value is recognized and rewarded, a community will thrive. Rewar...
The goatse t-shirt, a year later A little over a year ago, I wore a funny t-shirt while posing for a photo that was published in an article in the New York Times. The shirt ‘s a reference...
Zidane World Cup Headbutt Animation Festival Zinedine Zidane’s savage headbutt of Marco Materazzi in the World Cup final has touched on many things : Race, family, country, terrorism, sportsmanship. But...
Making Something Meaningful I’ve been told that sometimes I seem frustrated or cynical lately about new web things or Web 2.0 hype, and that’s probably because I have been. I grew up wi...
Office 2007 is the Bravest Upgrade Ever Short and sweet, the Ribbon and new UI in Microsoft Office 2007 is** the ballsiest new feature in the history of computer software**. I’ve been using O...
Reinventing Copy and Paste There’s been a lot of conversation lately about reinventing desktop office applications on the web. The first (and sometimes second) versions of all the stalwa...
Alt Weeklies, San Francisco, Curiosity, and Bullshit I was startled by this phenomenally wrong-headed editorial in the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Tim Redmond exposes his insecurities by arguing that Craig Newm...
Dos and Don'ts for Beating the iPod (and iTunes) Lots of people in both the music/media and technology businesses are obsessed with beating Apple’s work on the iPod and iTunes. With the CES show being this we...
We Got Married. I’ve written about a lot of things on my blog that I felt were important to me over the years, so it’s something of an uncanny feeling to know that I’m writing...
The Interesting Economy Like many great social software applications, Flickr began its life as something else. Flickr was built on a platform for a game called Game Neverending, which...
Web Development Trends for 2006 Curious about what technologies and techniques are going to be popular in the coming months and into the next year? Well, our crack team of editors here at das...
Six Years of Blogging I guess I should have caught this back on the 20th of last month, but I’ve been blogging here for six years . And living in San Francisco for a year now. I do...
Defining One's Identity Online So, I’m in the New York Times today, as part of the story called Loosing Google’s Lock on the Past . I’m not a huge fan of how the story turned out, mostly be...
Pay By The Hour I talk to a lot of consultants, freelancers, and small businesses who do web work, and I used to be a freelancer myself, so sometimes I get asked for advice on...
Optimizing Search Engine Optimization A few months ago, two companies in the search optimization space teamed up to start a contest , based on a challenge to see who could be the first result for...
On Leaving New York I’ve been putting off writing about it because it seems like too much to cover, but then that’s probably the whole point. We make obstacles of things by buildi...
Nigritude Ultramarine Update: The contest is over, and this entry did pretty well but didn’t win the initial prize. So the best purpose this page can serve is to direct you to Th...
Moving Forward I’m moving to San Francisco. That probably bears some explanation. As I’m sure all of you know, I work for Six Apart, which is based in the Bay Area, and the...
Excel Pile Most of the people I know are geeks, and some large number of geeks are obsessive to one degree or another. (This can be verified by anyone who’s ever mumbled...
Whence the Name For those of you who live in the United States or are familiar with its culture, imagine a place that starts with a political and social system that’s identica...
Upon the demise of Netscape Now that Netscape’s more or less officially dead, it occurs to me that it might be worthwhile for Google to bankroll the Mozilla Foundation , either by donati...
I Work for Six Apart A few weeks ago, I had started an entry with the phrase, "Though I work in the weblog industry…" and I had done so mainly as a tongue-in-cheek joke...
google's first mistake So, yeah, everybody’s gonna be buzzing about Google buying Pyra , but my take is that it’s not really that great a fit. Of course, Google bought Deja, which...
diamonds are for never So, we all know that diamonds are intrinsically worthless stones whose popularity and value are a recent creation, the result of a concerted marketing efffort...
privacy through identity control Every time there’s a resurgence in general-audience (non-techie) interest in Google, as after Newsweek’s recent Google fawning , the issue of privacy in a pre...
Introducing the Microcontent Client Microcontent is information published in short form, with its length dictated by the constraint of a single main topic and by the physical and technical limita...
Stories and Tools The current world wide web consists almost entirely of pages that are either stories or tools. A few ambitious sites combine these two types of web pages in va...
Thank You Thank you so much to all of you who have messaged, emailed and called. (Or tried to.) I am physically fine, as are all my family members and immediate friends....